Most Expensive Sneakers

Top 5 most expensive sneakers of all time. I am sure y'all must be aware of the term sneaker heads. Sneakers are never out of trends since the first Air jordan 1 was introduced in 1984. The collaborative designer sneakers has become the collective item. Having luxury sneaker can be a great investment. Some of these sneaker's value has sky rocketed after their release. Like the most recent one was Nike Air force 1 Tiffany & Co. When it was released it's value was ₹ 33,000. Currently as I am typing it's value is roughly around ₹1,20,000. But this is not even in the list of the top 5 expensive sneakers, not even in the top 50. Here's are the most top 5 expensive sneakers. 5. Air Jordan 12 OVO (Drake Edition) (₹8,20,000) If you are into clean and classy white sneakers then you will love these. These sneakers are the result of the collaboration between nike and the canadian rapper drake. It was released in 2016, at the time of its release the price of these ...